Andi Oliver’s Fabulous Feasts
This evening I am on Andi Oliver's show! It's the Folkestone episode this eve on BBC2 at 8pm. I'm asked to paint a painting for her multicultural festival held at the bandstand and had very little time to complete it!!

Parade Steps
Latest. Parade Steps, Folkestone. I hope this painting speaks for itself... For some climbs we have reason to be optimistic - even if it’s tough - as there is light and warmth ahead. Oil on canvas 22” x 30”. As always, much love, SR

Folkestone Harbour Arm
Latest. Parade Steps, Folkestone. I hope this painting speaks for itself... For some climbs we have reason to be optimistic - even if it’s tough - as there is light and warmth ahead. Oil on canvas 22” x 30”. As always, much love, SR

Paint for the Planet
Next Sunday (17th March) at 12pm I will be on the Leas, Folkestone, creating a large (2.5 metre probably!) painting to paint for the planet! I will be painting for 2-3 hours. I am delighted to be joining forces with @folkestoneclimatecarnival, a dedicated local environmentalism group who will be there to talk about all things environmental. Please come along to this free event! See you there 😀

Reheem Oil Painting
This is Raheem (although often known by his surname Ahmed). He often sits outside/near Costa in Folkestone town centre selling The Big Issue and is one of the sweetest gentlemen I know. Painting II of my series of the people on our streets. Like many homeless people health issues are common and Raheem had a heart attack towards the end of last year. Oil on Canvas 24” x 36” As always, thanks for your interest and much love x

This is Rob. He’s a local homeless chap who I stop and chat to quite often. He is a big reader and you will often see him reading a book on Sandgate Road. His mobility is compromised as he had a stroke in early 2023. This is the first painting in a series I plan to do over the coming months and I shall be working alongside the Rainbow Centre, local providers of support and hope to those experiencing deprivation and hardship. I'm hoping to hold an exhibition in 2024 to raise awareness of the growing issue of homelessness and of course to raise funds. Oil on Canvas 26” x 40” (66cm x 102cm). Annoyingly Insta crops the top and bottom of this work but please come and view it in my studio! Or you can view on my Shane Record Paintings Facebook page.
If you would like to donate funds or supplies, volunteer or are a landlord and would like to discuss potential use of a property please contact Rainbow Centre manager louise.gotch@rainbow-centre.org 01303 850733.

This week I have been in Prague doing a painting event with my children! The whole trip was funded on the proviso that we bring our unicycles and unicycle along the streets of the city to the event (I’m not someone who posts much personal info on here so many may well not know that unicycling is a family passion)! I had just TWO hours to complete the 250cm x 125cm painting of the view from the rooftop balcony only using the four colours pictured. I started at 4pm and I knew the sun was going to set at 6! It was SO MUCH FUN!! The painting will be auctioned for a local children’s charity in the coming months. A big thank you goes to my brother William Bucknell for organising and also to my daughter May (13) who did nearly all of the filming!

Beach Huts at Sunset
Just finished. We all need some warmth in our lives, right? Well that was the intended feeling in this one. Oil on canvas 20” x 28” much love 😀

The Lower Leas
The Lower Leas, Folkestone. Oil on canvas 30” x 22”. Completed today. I’ve found the early evening light there to be dramatic and beautiful

Path to the Lower Leas
Latest. This is one of the lesser-known paths that meanders from the Folkestone Leas down to the Lower Leas. I wanted to make the light itself the actual subject, hopefully evoking the feeling of what it is like when you walk from shaded light into the sun's glare and how you feel when everything is suddenly so bright and blinding. If you look closely you can see an iconic Leas lamppost in the picture. There are obvious metaphors here but I'm hoping the painting speaks for itself. Oil on Canvas 18" x 26" (46cm x 66cm). Happy weekend 😀

Andi Oliver
Currently at the bandstand with chef Andi Oliver with this rather large painting for her multicultural festival today for a BBC series. Come along (on until 5pm)! Because of scheduling I only STARTED this painting on Friday 🙀 (painted in emulsion for speed!)

Seagulls on the Leas
Just completed this. Any suggestions for a title??
Oil on Canvas 22" x 30" (56cm x 76cm). Painted with a palette knife, this work was a real test of patience. I LOVE our seagulls so wanted them to be the main subject. Happy weekend to you all. SR

Folkestone Sandcastle Competition 2023
This Sunday! Come out and take part in this year’s Folkestone Sandcastle Competition! Great, family friendly charity event with lots of prizes 😀 No need to pre register just turn up with your team. All proceeds to Art therapy locally. This lovely poster done by my daughter May ☀️